‘Factory Fortnight’ – to close or not to close – that is the question!

By SSP Technology Ltd
schedule6th Aug 18

In the 50’s and 60’s the annual factory fortnight, an enforced shutdown to give staff leave during the school holidays, and a chance for machinery to be maintained, was very common. It can be argued that these annual shutdowns helped with pre-planning and production schedules, ensuring enough staff would be “in work” for production needs.

However, being closed brings another set of challenges. Customers could be short on components, sales can dip, (competitors may not be closed), and what about how long it takes everyone to get back “in gear” when they return to work? So, can you afford to shut down for two weeks?

We are not closed but some staff have elected to take their holidays now and the office is functioning with fewer members but, as many of our customers still do keep the tradition of the factory fortnight, we have less enquiries and can cope. It’s also a good time to look at some of those jobs around the office that are waiting for that “when we get a chance” moment – well, that chance has arrived. Look out filing cabinets – it’s your turn today!